Civil War Veterans-NY-Hudson Valley, Catskills, Shawangunk

Hudson Valley New York - Civil War Volunteers

Seward R. Osborne
  • Male
  • Olivebridge, NY
  • United States
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Robert J O'Connor left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Hello Mr. Osborne......I have been researching my Osborne roots in Columbia and Greene counties for several years now.  Was wondering if you could share some of your knowledge about the Osborne's so I can hopefully fill in a few blanks and…"
Aug 9, 2021
Matt Cate left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Hi, Mr. Osbourne.  I have a picture of John E. Houghtaling, a private in the Civil War who came from Kingston, NY.  Do you know where I can find additional information on John's service?  Also, do you know what year his Civil War…"
Jul 12, 2016
Jennifer Akers left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Just joined and added pics of a button I found at Bear Creek. I'm told, your the man who can tell me about it. "
Mar 22, 2016
Seward R. Osborne was featured
Feb 20, 2012
Ken Pitts left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Mr. Osborne, if you want more information on our new Civil War park go to  The website contains lots of information about what is going on.  By the way, if you have any information about regiments that were in the 11th Corps…"
Jan 29, 2012
Seward R. Osborne left a comment for Ken Pitts
"Mr. Pitts,      I answered your inquiry from my personal email.   Very best, Seward"
Jan 27, 2012
Ken Pitts left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Hello, Mr. Osborne.  I have read your book on the Ulster Guard and Colonel Theodore Gates' diary that you edited and enjoyed them very much.  I live in Stafford County where they spent the winter of 1863.  I am very interested in…"
Jan 27, 2012
Frank Tompkins left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Hello, Mr. Osborne.  Do you know what happened to the contents of the Baldwin GAR Post in Hunter?  I'm trying to find a photo of my 2X Great Grandfather- Burton Tompkins. He was a member of the 20 NYSM (3 Mos) and the 4th NYHA with…"
Mar 3, 2011
Seward R. Osborne commented on Bob Decker's photo


"Hello Bob, I believe you are correct regarding these soldiers being from Sullivan County. The third man from the left, front row, is Lt. Isaac Jelliff, 20th NYSM and 143rd NYV. I think, although I could not see him clearly enough, that the first…"
Jul 24, 2009
Laura Smith left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"Sewrad I added the tags for the photos you sent. Click on the photo and it is there at the left- bottom under the identification. Ihank you kindly ofr the information and your input."
May 29, 2009
Laura Smith left a comment for Seward R. Osborne
"W E L C O M E A B O A R D !! I can only forsee progress and raising the awareness of our viewers giving them all a window into yesterdays past and an appreciation for what the men and their families sacrificed during the American Civil War. This is…"
May 29, 2009

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At 11:17am on August 9, 2021, Robert J O'Connor said…

Hello Mr. Osborne......I have been researching my Osborne roots in Columbia and Greene counties for several years now.  Was wondering if you could share some of your knowledge about the Osborne's so I can hopefully fill in a few blanks and maybe make some corrections on my tree.  My email is


Rob O'Connor

At 12:34am on December 4, 2017, Warner Sumpter said…

Hello, Mr. Osborne, wanted to make contact again.  You gave permission for me to obtain a copy of the photo you provided US Army Military Institute of Major John Higgins of the 143 NY Inf. Reg.  Wanted to verify that photo and another I've obtained with you.  Hope all is well.

Warner Sumtper 443-497-9253


At 11:23pm on July 12, 2016, Matt Cate said…

Hi, Mr. Osbourne.  I have a picture of John E. Houghtaling, a private in the Civil War who came from Kingston, NY.  Do you know where I can find additional information on John's service?  Also, do you know what year his Civil War photo was taken.  He served from 1862-1865.  Thank you. 

At 2:10pm on March 22, 2016, Jennifer Akers said…

Just joined and added pics of a button I found at Bear Creek. I'm told, your the man who can tell me about it. 

At 6:21pm on January 29, 2012, Ken Pitts said…

Mr. Osborne, if you want more information on our new Civil War park go to  The website contains lots of information about what is going on.  By the way, if you have any information about regiments that were in the 11th Corps of the Army of the Potomac during the winter of 1862-63, we would be interested.  They were camped in the area of our park, also.  I know there were several New York regiments.

Ken Pitts

At 5:29pm on January 27, 2012, Ken Pitts said…

Hello, Mr. Osborne.  I have read your book on the Ulster Guard and Colonel Theodore Gates' diary that you edited and enjoyed them very much.  I live in Stafford County where they spent the winter of 1863.  I am very interested in an entry in Colonel Gates' diary.  I am a member of a group creating a new Civil War park in Stafford County.  In that park are 3 significant fortifications.  In Colonel Gates' diary on May 2, 1863 he mentioned that he had been placed in command of the protection of the RF&P railroad between Accacac (Accakeek) Creek and had laid out additional forts.  Our park is near the railroad on Accakeek Creek.  Also, laster, Colonel Gates mentioned that he was ordering the inhabitants of the Green family house near one of the forts so it could be torn down.  A fourth fort which is not located in our park but is very close is close to the old Green home site.  Do you have any other information concerning these entries?  I would be very interested if you do.  We are trying to determine who laid out and constructed our forts so we can give them credit when we open the park, if possible.  Thanks, Ken Pitts

At 6:14am on March 3, 2011, Frank Tompkins said…
Hello, Mr. Osborne.  Do you know what happened to the contents of the Baldwin GAR Post in Hunter?  I'm trying to find a photo of my 2X Great Grandfather- Burton Tompkins. He was a member of the 20 NYSM (3 Mos) and the 4th NYHA with his brother George Tompkins.  Burton is buried in Maplewood Cem (1916), and George is buried in Ashland Cem. (1927).  Thank you, Frank Tompkins- Westfield, MA
At 3:45pm on May 29, 2009, Laura Smith said…
W E L C O M E A B O A R D !!
I can only forsee progress and raising the awareness of our viewers giving them all a window into yesterdays past and an appreciation for what the men and their families sacrificed during the American Civil War. This is only the beginning and if there are any suggestions and or corrections I completely and graciously welcome your input in order to properly document New Yorks' role in the War between the states.

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